Inclusive Education

All schools in Aotearoa New Zealand are expected to provide inclusive education. Many schools are still asking:

  • What does inclusion look like?
  • What adaptations do we need to make to the classroom, school and playground?
  • How can we differentiate the curriculum to suit the diverse needs of students?
  • How can we make sure gifted students are catered for?
  • How do we honour the diverse cultures within our school?


Celia has worked with special needs children and their families for many years. She has advised the Ministry of Education and helped to develop their Inclusive Education Capability Building initiative.

She has studied 21C skills and learning as well as digital technology and is aware of assistive technology to help Deaf and special needs students.

She has a down-to-earth, common sense approach and is able to visit your school to make recommendations.

She can also provide professional development workshops for SENCOs, classroom teachers, educational assistants and para-professional staff.

To book a consultation or workshop to find inclusive solutions in education, please contact me using details on contact page.



Teaching is a demanding job and teachers are passionate people.

From time to time, teachers experience stress. They may have things going on in their personal lives or are experiencing challenges and pressures from work or study which impact on their ability to teach and meet the job requirements well.

Some signs that teachers may be experiencing stress are:

  • Irritability or angry outbursts
  • Inability to complete tasks or meet deadlines
  • Health issues and more time off work
  • Arriving late for work or leaving early
  • Withdrawing from other colleagues
  • Inability to concentrate
  • Forgetfulness
  • Tearfulness
  • Conflict with colleagues and senior staff

Counselling can help teachers off-load, get back on track and develop resilience to tackle the everyday challenges of teaching.

Celia is a teacher who understands the educational system, the appraisal process and the need to practice self-care.

To self- refer or to refer a staff member, please contact
me using details on contact page.


© 2016 Specialised Counselling